Thursday, December 15, 2005

one week.

till the return of the advocate of endless nights of al-azhar, alcohol, clubbing, marlboros and dunhills - in my instance however it would be Cohibas, from the hodlums of the Big Apple. carrying with him the full force of American debauchery and sin. mmmm mamamia.....even Lao Lee admited in TIME magazine that they have the superior system.

some day. the bright lights of the city will embrace us in its fold - New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai or Singapore - it doesn't matter as long as we're sitting comfortably on top of the food chain. its more than an ambition, its our birth right and rightful destiny. i was made for greater things than this. remember that night in August. remember 'enjoy the lamb chop. its on the house. after that get the FUCK out of my hotel.' remember better days lie ahead for us all.

last night at alley, we poured out a bottle of Moet & Chandon - one of the finer things in life. there was the future, brotherhood, principles, NY'06, and to the stupid dick who's already there. thanks for being there at alley and later at zouk bro. you have no idea how much i appreciate it.

as i struck the match and threw it into the bin, watching the fire work up to a magnificent height, i saw the flames purge those pathetic feelings. and i laughed. not a joyous laughter. but a cackle lined with jaded realism. for i have grown up. now invulnerable. knowing that all that is confined to a Hollywood Studio or books written by authors of ancient times who are dead and whose works reflect those times that are long gone.


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