Friday, December 17, 2004

life has never been this dumb ever.

i must never ever play LAN within the next few weeks before i enter the military. what a retarded way of spending my last days as a civillian. tzemeng, kenneth, jonny, benedict, donald, zhonghan, zac, and anyone else who has asked me to lan before, here's a very big fuck you and no thank you. enough is enough.we're way past over kill. we should all sit at home and watch gay movies instead, such as the recommended: Runaway Bride ( jeremy ) Message in a bottle ( tzemeng ) and Serendipity ( yours truly ). NO MORE LAN.

apart from our sad bunch of guys that constantly invade and inhabit the shady underground known as Paradiz centre, others are either in Spain having fiesta in the Santiago Bernabau, Madrid or thronging the streets of places such as Seoul, NYC, and the like. anywhere but SINGAPORE. i'm fucking bored of this place.....

the only escape I have is through reading and dvds. TIME Magazine, movies, novels, anything... they remind me that there's a world out there filled with many wonders waiting for me to explore. before i go to university i'm going to Eastern Europe to see Prague, Vienna and Warsaw that'll make up for this holiday. -sigh- such a far way off.

get me into Tekong so i can get out earlier and leave for the bright lights of faraway places! -shrug- but don't we still live under the same beautiful starry night sky? if so why does the night sky here feel so drained of feeling and ambience?


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