Saturday, November 26, 2005

so its over. its ok girl. i'm fine. we're still going to be friends. and yes the friendship does mean something to me. just make sure we ain't awkward alright? tonight has made me appreciate all the friends that i have by my side, friends who'll have my back when i need em. Ravin, kenneth, tzemeng, shafiq, elisha, the rest of the safsa guys, ashley whom i haven't talked to in damn long - thanks for the chat over greentea at your lift lobby just now really appreciate it, gabriel, ben, weiming the list goes on and on. all of you are cherished. i just read a horoscope and it said that no matter what happens, even if its a short passionate affair, it would be a life changing one. and i would say - yeah. i have come to value rugby, and value my friends so much more because of you and the short times we spent together. its hard to explain but thank you anyway. like you said we're friends still right? no i'm not hoping against hope, i have come to be realist and know how to take no for answer. don't worry i won't bug you till you talk to me first. i'm fine, don't feel sorry for me any of you, i am not even sorry for myself. these kind of things happen in life. and i am taking it like a mature adult. just wanted to let all my dearest friends know, the future is bright and its out there for us to grasp. carpe diem dear friends, make our dreams happen. we're getting there. New York for me and wherever you guys want to be in your life.

oh shabu shabu ahah soon gabriel. i will cook. and it will be awesome.


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