Sunday, February 11, 2007

Puzo - Each man has his own destiny.

and after all this time, i realize its all wrong right down to the title. Frankie was wrong. you can't do it your way. there are greater powers that govern than the will of man. maybe God. maybe fate. maybe destiny. take your pick. one can only try his best and practise the virtues of faith, gratitude and humility.

2.5 years ago, the start of this blog marked the closure of one of the best chapters of my life thus far. it is ironic that i forgot the greatest lessons i should have garnered from the period and that it led to this blog being the chronicle of a chapter of decline and evemtual nadir.

pointless ranting, indulging in day dreaming, pinning hopes on a distant future instead of working on the present, chasing skirts which isn't so bad till you let it get to u and get emo/mopey - wasting away.

no motivation to knuckle down and study properly when the season ended, dropped my S paper, kept lowering expectations; well i scraped through barely for the A levels but tiill now am still waiting for a great college to take a risk/chance/gamble on me. and of course there are many who think that i don't deserve it because well i didn't showcase my academic talents, didn't participate in school stuff like orientation n stuff, basically a 'dumb' arrogant head in the air jock committed to the selfish pursuit of glory during the 2 years. its unnecessary to argue if their thoughts/my choices were right. time will tell. God will judge.

then there was army. NS was me giving Singapore a chance but what occured was further decline and decay when i didn't make it to OCS and went to SAFSA instead. up till this day, the immense blow to my pride of ending up in SISPEC is still difficult to stomach. but one thing was made clear to me then and remains etched in my heart: I am not valued. so from then on i knew my future wasn't here and i owed them nothing. i thought i would be able to make something of SAFSA. you know win some league matches and maybe even make the national team. but there was a whole lot of shrum in the team, even certain once great talents failed to impress in terms of committment and performance. i fell further with lots of terrible habits and the total collapse of discipline.

and then there's this. the accident.

now that i'm steadily on the mend its the right time to acknowledge the error of my ways. and to close the blog since there isn't anything much to say anyway. once i'm up i'll start a new happier blog with less ranting and moping.



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