Tuesday, September 21, 2004

treats that don't cost money

no. 1 : getting a ride to school in sheila's brother's sports car
racing to school at speeds of 70 or 80 miles an hour, jinking in and out of the traffic with black rap blasting in the background does wonders for one's downtrodden and oppressed state of mind. throw back your chains! taste the freedom!

no. 2: walking alone in the rain
after the mind numbing pain of maths paper 2, yes -gloat- all you science people who are going to get A...i'll be satisfied with a humble B, the drizzle is like a cleansing of the 'Great unwashed', refreshing with its hint of romance and hope. In a Wordsworthian view, a hope for growth.

no. 3: sitting in the canteen with the ruggers n chums - not for everyone
as the clock ticks down to the math paper2, i am trying to get last minute math tuition from Donghoon, on the side there is gabriel, sherman, tziyang, victor and later justin lum. "aiya don't study la fail with me." "so did he tell u that the first time you all were in j1?" "no wonder it sounded familiar. ..|.."


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