Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Puff Puff Puff

walking through life, it seems that these days more and more of my closest friends are taking up the cigs and lighting up. in the beginning, i thought maybe they're doing this because its 'cool'; that its some kind of fashion trend that will pass out in time. but now i realize the parrallels between the society we live in and that of Fitzgerald's jazz age 'lost generation' - the cigarettes and relentless boozing are all temporary escapes from the struggles and painful realities we face. affluence is not an issue, the parents are rich - they can supply the cash, but affluence does not solve having to do retarded NS, heartbreak, stress, shattered aspirations, family trouble, and the list goes on. we're as lost as the lost generation of the 1920s America - pampered, spoilt, lost in our own selfish troubles.
the bottles open and the wisps of smoke float in the air.

and what happened to this Gatsby's generation? they experienced the misery and struggle of the Great Depression, when affluence with its devlish forms of escapism disappeared into thin air, making their former troubles seem like dreams in comparison to the nightmare of lost jobs, no cash, bread queues. and just as they thought the good days were coming back, Hitler invaded Poland. World War II began. And in a matter of months, the Japanese destruction of the idylic Pacific fleet base at Pearl Harbour ensured that this generation found themselves embroiled in a war they never wished to be a part of, on battlefields across Europe and the Pacific. many never returned.

i don't know where my mind is headed and i ought to stop here. i've never smoked a cig and don't intend to, there really isn't any reason to is there? but yes dear friends i am dying from your second hand smoke.


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