Saturday, November 04, 2006

if all one can say is 'he/she's a nice person' either one hardly knows the individual in question or its an euphemism for 'she/he's an asshole/jerk/motherfucker/slut/whore/etc.' there has to be more to be said or a more specific word to describe the person in question.

take for example:

binny's caring he always buys me food. a real good friend who won't leave anyone in the lurch. oh he's ambitious too, fully aware of the social inequalities in life. he wants his villa on Bermuda and has been plotting his ascend of the social ladder.

oh gn's a-bangla-whore (jianwei can't pronounce Agbonlahor - of Aston Villa fame) he's a steady friend who's always there for his friends. has great taste buds and loves to sleep. wild character you can always count on gn to lead the way when it comes to the clubbing and drinking festivities. he's damn smart - ok start gloating bout economics.

of course the list is an example and descriptions are not exhaustive.

it was good to see jason yang, looneh, pravin, jaron, zhaoming, n the rj gang. thanks for stadium arcadium dude.

'Cry me a future Where the revelations run amok'


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