Saturday, July 17, 2004

i miss the simple life

think i have found the under-lying reason for my current tendencies to dream during econs and some lit lessons, ok the obvious reason is that its boring, underlying reason is that i miss the simple life. there was a time not too long ago when all that mattered was guts and glory; studying and grades were "fuck care till after season" and thus relegated to the trashbin of life . this academic life stinks, even with early morning jogs and some weights sessions, its still so dull and dead to put your mind on things that the world doesn't even need. not like the world will disappear if George Elliot didn't write Silas Marner. maybe these will give you doubts, like Prendy in Decline and Fall, a book i am sure i will grow to like once i dig up some essays on it, as was the case with John Donne. i could do without double period econs tutorials on monday and double period lit on friday so boring it makes me want to puke. ok so maybe some things do matter but still...whatever... up your ass. according to economic theory, my time can be better and more efficiently spent studying, so that i will have time to do other more important stuff in life like playing rugby or writing my Huntsman application essay or even doing/studying math or econs. getting the adrenaline pumping does wonders for the mind and body. today i played against bucks for e Wanderers, the feeling of tackling and making big hits is just wonderful. even scrumming seemed fun. in this life, its simple. look after your buddies, kill or be killed, win or lose - simple.  on the other hand, i want to retire from propping. rugby - yes. prop - no. still that's what i call a kick in life, some of the few things that make life actually worth living for.


Blogger fakov said...

fuck u man!

11:26 PM  

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