Thursday, September 30, 2004


everyday you learn something new. while reading Fiesta, i picked up a Spanish word - 'aficion' - passion. sounds familiar doesn't it? think harder. Hemmingway's writing is so geared towards the male psychic. through irony he captures the jealousy, the love and the hopelessness of Jake who's in love with someone he knows he cannot be with. the matadors and bullfights have some place in it all...what i'm not too sure yet...but i'm sure the epiphany will hit me soon.

on another note: i want to live in an apartment in the heart of a metropolis with a concierage and other assorted facilities, overlooking the Hudson, Central Park, with the statue of liberty in the background. - Donald Trump building? yes i think so. no need for the penthouse, just the apartment will do. something like Hemmingway while he lived in Paris overlooking the Seine. oh yes and i watch Barcelona vs Real Madrid in the Nou Camp. wonder when...


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