Wednesday, August 17, 2005


on the cab back we were talking about the scholars,were they selling out for an iron rice bowl? some of them are the most outstanding products of our education system, i say some because there are those that are hardly up to the calibre, they could be the stars that will put us on the world market in the fields they choose to venture into, but instead they choose to serve in the government and its subsidaries.they chase the Singapore dream of security above all else, one's freedom of choice is a small price to pay in exchange for security - or is it?

and i realize that the Singapore Dream can never be an ideal as greatly widespread as the American version because its not open to everyone but only to the select few - willingness to slave being an immense criteria. freedom and the rights of the individual was never the foundation of the dream.

maybe some never craved the Singapore Dream. they dreamed of the freedoms of the foreign land, took the scholarship that gave them a chance to enjoy it temporarily and at the end they realize the 6 years bondage that await them on their return. of course, there are those who exercise individual freedom leading to gross irresponsibility and refuse to serve their bond. crucified in the press, they used to be my heroes because they were willing to give up everything to chase their true dreams. these days, i still compliment them for chasing their own dreams but i disapprove of the way they do it. imagine those who really believe in the Singapore Dream but don't get their scholarship, it would be disastrous if they are passed up for someone who is using the scholarship as a path to desert. everyone has a freedom of choice and to pursue their dream, be it a Singapore Dream, an American dream and what not - as long as you don't fuck up someone else's life as a by product.

a few days ago, isabelle asked me why i liked America so much. i have been thinking about it, and i realize America does have a million flaws but it is the promises on which it was built on that attracts me - the value of the individual, freedom, a new beginning, the ability to be anything you want to be as long as you're willing to work hard. to quote Taylor, "these emigrants were the best of their race - the adventurous, the independent, the men who might have made Germany a free and civilized country. They brought to America a contribution of inestimable value, but they were lost to Germany. They, the best Germans, showed their opinion of Germany by leaving it forever." despite the differences one similarity is certain, they were sick of how things were being run in their indigenious land and sought to start life anew in the new world.

the system rejects me for being who i am instead of who they want me to be, i am deemed as flawed. to be who i am, and to fulfill my individual potential i will gladly take my leave.


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