Saturday, October 29, 2005

have you ever wondered what plan God has in mind for you ? has it ever occured to you that everything that happens to you was pre-ordained by the Almighty to shape you to assume your role in this world?

walking along life's journey, i have often wondered if God meant to make me different from the lot; wondered if my journey was meant to differ from a normal human being looking for a decent job, decent pay, decent house, get married, raise a family; wondered if bearing a greater deal of the sadness of the world was my rightful calling; wondered if my true ambition of hunting down terrorists represented my real destiny instead of board room squabbles. and i continue to wonder what he wants with me.

was she right when she remarked (on the death of her goldfish) ' one should never invest too much emotion into anything.' is it possible not to invest too much emotion? the idea to stay aloof and uncaring is cool, because you live merely for yourself. but cool as it might sound - it is never possible to invest so little when you actually feel so much.a human being simply does not function in such a manner. and this is in relation to everything, not just love. so at the end, despite all the cool suave sayings we all stay vulnerable. maybe the correct question is how vulnerable? but then again that is proportionate to how much you feel and how much emotion you invest.

so it becomes like poker. you can raise the stakes which represent ur investment or you can fold and cut your losses right now. but time and time again you fall into the trap of calling despite your increasingly lousy hand, when it comes to show hand. i fear you just might go bankrupt.

throughout each and every frame she captivated me with her rugged poise and class - bling bling, tank top, cigarette in hand, and smudged eyeliner. rarely did i glimpse her charming smile today, but the blonde straight hair and smouldering eyes were still to die for. maybe two years ago when i first caught her in Pirates of the Carribean ( which i watched twice ) and remarked there's my first true love - i was actually right.


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