Sunday, December 25, 2005

you'll know an awesome and amazing christmas when it happens. this year was cool, last year was cool, next year will be cooler - but yeah not amazing or awesome. Paris, ice skating underneath the Effiel Tower, a carriage ride watching the snow fall on the Champs Elysee with someone special. that'll be miraculous cause apparently it doesn't snow till feburary. maybe someday, someone - no one knows the details - but romance lives as elusive as quicksilver, still it lives.

so it started with dinner at Brazillian with cheech, ming and da. wine at ming's with da cheech n ming till da left and Aaron came. lazy lizard's hoegarden after - not a good experience cause cheech puked all over me. "it was the gas!" ming drove me home and i ran into the house half naked stunning my parents in the process. showered, changed clothes - and i was out again. cruising and crowing out oldies like Lionel Richie's Hello, Glen Campbell's Rhinestone Cowboy and Billy Joel's I love you the way you are was awesome. gave the present, returned ming's car to the parents, had a christmas smoke at the bus stop and then headed out to clarke quay cause ming's VIP friends were supposed to get us into MOS which did not materialize. so it was ming cheech ming's NY friend Neil Fong n i playing drinking games at One Night Stand. thankfully there was limited alcohol. ming wanted to run a tab and he ordered one bottle of vodka on top of the shots and beer - luckily Neil went to close the tab and cancel the Stolichniya ( however fuck you spell it my Russian's no good ) or else i think the Government will need to order a clean up of the Singapore river next year considering how Cheech already puked once for the night - on ME i must add. eventually Christmas ended with supper at the usual Al-Azhar cause they don't sell prata in New York. like i said, it was cool it was fun - but not mind blowingly amazing. still it was greatly appreciated.

next christmas i won't be smelling all your smokes n sipping wine in the equatorial heat and humidity of ming's balcony. Christmas in New York, man i can just imagine... like i always tel the boys- better days ahead.

you'll never know what i feel. you'll never know what i've thought.i couldn't talk about it. probably i didn't want to talk about it. didn't want to put you in a spot. because no matter what is said it doesn't matter. it does not matter anymore. but the memories will always be there. i guess its karma. you were the first. and now you're another closed chapter in the book of life.

another 4 months, time passes by quickly.

another year gone by, another 10 mths till ORD, another 11 mths till the Big Holiday, another 20 months till a fresh start.

this place is just too small, too sian, and too boring for me.


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