Thursday, December 29, 2005

i think i understand one reason why this place is so unattractive as i heard over christmas eve, "this place is so boring." i mean who would wanna go to Zouk or MOS - and there are a lot of other trashy clubs out there like Chinablack - when you could be clubbing without all the ah bengs, ah lians, uptight bitches, and a girl to guy ratio of 1:10. wouldn't it be more pleasant if there was actually space on the dancefloor? wouldn't it be awesome if the ratio was 1:1? and wouldn't it be much better to fall out of a club at 4am with some wild latino, raunchy ABC/ABK, hot caucasian or pretty HongKong girl whose father makes 100 grand a month minimum - all who would be most willing to up the ante to making out, feeling up and maybe even sex which i neither approve nor disapprove because it is between consenting adults. shelf the fucking uptight conservative public opinion. i mean what the fuck uptight bitches, if you don't want to get grinded pick up salsa or ballroom dancing. call me a bastard, a slut, a whore or any other profane vulgarity you can come up with i seriously cannot give a damn because the reason why we have such a boring party scene is because Singapore clubs are strictly BYOC - bring your own chick. cause really, you'll hardly ever REALLY find some.

taking a 10 month hiatus from the clubbing till i land my ass in the Big Apple. figured playing a mean game of rugby and beating the shit out of some white folks would be the way to go, instead of spending 20 dollars and more to dance AROUND - yes take note its AROUND and not WITH - some uptight bitches. i'm not quitting clubbing, just taking a break.


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