Monday, October 25, 2004

benedict ..|..

this is what u get for asking me to break my hiatus and blog. now, after today's Measure for Measure revision lecture i feel enlightened by the need for virtue to shine forth instead of leading cloistered lives that us 'stupid' academic students have. yes. while people are making money out there, we are in school, knee deep in shit.

our virtues are locked up in the academic world and we expound facts and theories without being out there to experience it. to understand the psychology of economics and risk management, my advice is to bet and gamble. yes, take the cue from my SAJC friends. people i haven't seen in a while. those who threw caution to the wind and bought Manchester United last night probably made a windfall.

just like any model economics essay, there is always the element of ceteris paribus and however. when ceteris paribus is mentioned here, it refers to actually winning. well basically if you don't win you have three consequences. the less dire consequence that results from caution requires you to eat air till your debts are paid. if one fails to heed caution, debts will mount. and finally you end up on the street or is forced to quit school and work at macdonald's.

HOWEVER. if one is fucking filthy rich - this sounds nice, emphasis by alliteration, one can afford to put 20,000 dollars on a soccer match just for the kick of it. oh so you want to up the stakes benedict? fine. i say 500,000 dollars on Ryanair stocks. for your information Ryannair is an European budget airline that is undercutting established airlines like Lufthansa, British Airways and Air France and turning over handsome profits. furthermore, the budget carrier market is set to grow in the near future as firms continue to slash business costs and reduce unnecessary expenditure on flying business class. 500,000 dollars? what is 500,000 dollars going to be to us in the future man. by potential income theory, it will be peanuts to us in the future. but who in the world is going to believe us when we say we're going to make it big and spit in your face and sue you till your balls fall from ur scrotum??? no one. so we are back to square one. sorely lacking in capital, without any ability what so ever to take risks and let our virtues shine forth.

but there's a catch. will you even have a future if you don't go to school? that is another dispute for another day. once again benedict, take this ..|..


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